Home > Product > Low Voltage Switchgear Series > GGD AC low-voltage fixed switchgear

GGD AC low-voltage fixed switchgear

Intro: 概述 Outline GGD 交流低压固定式成套开关设备适用于发电厂、变电站、厂矿企业等电力用户的交流 50Hz,额定工作电压 380V,额定电流至 3150A 以下的配 电系统中作为动力、照明及配电设备的电能转换、分配和控制之用。 该产品具有分断能力高、动热稳定性好、电气方案灵活、组合方便、系列性实用性强、结构新颖、防护等级高等特点。 GGD 交流低压配电柜符合 IEC439《低压成套开关设备和控制设备》及 GB7251.1《低压成套开关设备》等标准。 GGD AC LV fixed type switchgear is applic …
GGD AC low-voltage fixed switchgear
Product Description

概述   Outline

GGD 交流低压固定式成套开关设备适用于发电厂、变电站、厂矿企业等电力用户的交流 50Hz,额定工作电压 380V,额定电流至 3150A 以下的配 电系统中作为动力、照明及配电设备的电能转换、分配和控制之用。 


GGD 交流低压配电柜符合 IEC439《低压成套开关设备和控制设备》及 GB7251.1《低压成套开关设备》等标准。

GGD AC LV fixed type switchgear is applicable to the distribution system with AC 50Hz, rated working voltage 380V, rated current to 3150A below in power station, substation, plant enter-prise etc., used for power transfer, distribution and control for power, lighting and distribution devices. 

The product has characteristics of high breaking capacity, fine dynamic and thermal stability, flexible electric project, convenient combination, better serial practicability, novel structure and high protection grade etc.

It accords with the standards IEC439 “Low voltage complete switch device and control device” and GB7251.1 “Low voltage complete switch device”etc.

主要特点   Main feature

1. GGD 交流低压配电柜的柜体采用通用柜形式。构架用 8MF 冷弯型钢局部焊接组装而成。构架零件及专用配套零件由型钢定点生产厂配套,以保证柜 体的精度和质量。通用柜的零部件按模块原理设计,并有 20 模的安装孔,通用系数高。 

2. 充分考虑到柜体运行中的散热,在柜体上下两端均有不同数量的散热槽孔。 

3. 按现代工业产品造型设计要求,采用黄金分割比的方法设计柜体外形和各部分的分割尺寸,使整柜美观大方。 

4. 柜门用转轴式活动铰链与构架相连,安装、拆卸方便。门的折边处均嵌有一根山型缘胶条,关门时门与构架之间的嵌条有一定的压缩行程,能防止 门与柜体直接碰撞,也提高了门的防护等级。 

5. 装有电器元件的仪表门用多股软铜线与构架相连。柜内的安装件与构架间用滚花螺钉连接,整柜构成完整的接地保护电路。 

6. 柜体顶盖在需要时可拆除,便于现场主母线的装配和调整,柜顶的四角装有吊环,用于起吊和装运。 

7. 柜体的防护等级为 IP30,用户可根据环境的需要在 IP20~IP40 之间选择。

1. The body of GGD AC LV fixed type switchgear adopts universal cabinet type. Framework is assembled with 8MF cold bending bar steel through part welding. Framework components and special mating elements are matched by bar steel pointed manufactory for ensuring the precision and quality of cabinet. Components of universal cabinet is designed according to module principle,and with 20 modulus mounting hole and high universal coefficient. 

2. Completely in view of the heat rejection during cabinet running. Heat rejection slots of different quantities are installed in upper and underside both ends of cabinet. 

3. According to the requirements on mold design for modern industry products, adopting the method of golden mean ratio to design cabinet outline and parting dimensions of each part, to make the whole cabinet beautiful and decent. 

4. Cabinet gate is connected with framework with rotation axis type movable hinge. With convenient installation and disassembly. One mount type rubber strip is set in edge fold of gate. Filler rod between gate and framework has certain compression stroke when closing the gate. It can prevent gate from impacting cabinet directly and also advance the protection grade for gate. 

5. Connect the meter gate set with electrical components with framework by multistrand soft copper wire.Connect the mounting pieces inside the cabinet with framework by knurled screws.The whole cabinet constructs complete earthing protective circuit. 

6. Top cover of cabinet can be disassembled if necessary for convenience to the assembly and adjustment for main bus bar at site. Four squares of cabinet are set with slinger for hoisting and shipping. 

7. Protection grade of cabinet: IP30. User can choose within IP20~IP40 according to environmental requirements.

主要技术参数  The main technical parameters


使用环境条件   Use environmental conditions

1. 周围空气温度不高于 +40℃,不低于 -5℃,并且 24h 内其平均温度不高于 +35℃。 

2. 户内安装使用,使用地点的海拔高度不超过 2000 米。 

3. 周围空气相对湿度在高温 +40℃时不超过 50%,在较低温度时允许有较大的相对湿度,例如 +20℃时为 90%,应考虑到温度变化,可能会偶然产生凝露的影响。 

4. 设备安装时与垂直面的倾斜度不超过 5°。 

5. 设备安装在无剧烈震动和冲击的地方,以及不足以使电器元件受到腐蚀的场所。 

6. 用户有其它要求时可与制造厂协商。

1. Ambient air temperature: -5℃ ~+40℃ and the average temperature should not exceed +35℃ in 24h. 

2. Install and use indoors. Altitude above sea level for operation site should not exceed 2000M. 

3. Relative humidity should not exceed 50% at max temperature +40 ℃ . Higher relative humidity is allowed at lower temperature. Ex. 90% at +20℃ . But in view of the temperature change, it is possible that moderate dews will produce casually. 

4. Installation gradient not exceed 5° . 

5. Install in the places without fierce vibration and shock and the sites insufficient to erode the electrical components. 

6. Any specific requirement, consult with manufactory.

内部结构    Internal structure



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