Home > Product > High voltage switchgear series > SRM □ -12 Fully sealed fully insulated inflatable ring network switchgear

SRM □ -12 Fully sealed fully insulated inflatable ring network switchgear

Intro: 概述 Outline SRM □ -12 系列全绝缘全封闭环网开关设备是 SF6 气体绝缘的金属共箱式封闭开关设备,该设备可由负荷开关单元、负荷开关熔断器组合电器单元、真空断路器单元、母线进线单元等模块组成。采用一系列技术和材料。具有优异的电气性能和机械性能,受环境和气侯影响小,体积小巧,易于安装,操作方便,无需维护,且具有灵活的组合方式。清晰直观的设计保证操作简单、直接。馈线接线容量大,适合多种接线系统。 SRM □ -12series fully insulated fully enclosed ring network switchgear is SF6 …
Product Description

概述  Outline

SRM □ -12 系列全绝缘全封闭环网开关设备是 SF6 气体绝缘的金属共箱式封闭开关设备,该设备可由负荷开关单元、负荷开关熔断器组合电器单元、真空断路器单元、母线进线单元等模块组成。采用一系列技术和材料。具有优异的电气性能和机械性能,受环境和气侯影响小,体积小巧,易于安装,操作方便,无需维护,且具有灵活的组合方式。清晰直观的设计保证操作简单、直接。馈线接线容量大,适合多种接线系统。

SRM □ -12series fully insulated fully enclosed ring network switchgear is SF6 gas insulated metal common box closed switchgear, which can be used by load switch unit, load switchFused combination of electrical unit, vacuum circuit breaker unit, bus line unit and other modules. Use a range of advanced technolo gies and materials. Has excellent electrical properties and machineryThe performance is affected by the environment and climate, small and compact, easy to ins tall, easy to operate, no maintenance, and a flexible combination. Clear and intuitive design ensures easy operationdirect. Feeder wiring capacity is large, suitable for a variety of wiring systems.

型号及含义  Model and meaning


四大核心竞争力   Four core competitiveness

1. 操作安全。通过以下安全措施,我们可为用户提供特别的安全保障: 

▽一体化三工位负荷开关 ▽断路器采用负荷开关替代隔离开关,更安全可靠 

▽一次侧全密闭设计提供意外接触的保护 ▽满足五防要求的机械联锁 


2. 运行可靠。全密闭设计,10kV 开关及母线带电体均密封在 3mm 不锈钢板焊接成的气箱中;配硅橡胶电缆插头,实现电缆头全绝缘全密封 从而不受灰尘、潮湿、小动物等外界环境影响: ▽弹簧储能操作机构,可人工或电动操作 ▽面板模似线图提供开关位置指示 


▽压力表监视箱体内 SF6 气体安全压力范围 

3. 经济性。 




4. 方案灵活。 






1. Operational safety. Through the following security measures, we can provide users with special security guarantees: 

▽ Integrated three-station load switch 

▽ Circuit breaker adopts load switch instead of isolation switch, which is more safe and reliable 

▽ One-side fully enclosed design provides protection against accidental contact 

▽ Mechanical interlock to meet the requirements of five defenses 

▽ Electricity display can provide instructions for electrification on the incoming and outgoing lines 

2. reliable operation. Fully sealed design, all 10kV switch and busbar charged body are sealed in the air box welded with 3mm stainless steel plate; equipped with silicone rubber cable plug to realize the cable head Edge sealed so that it is not affected by dust, moisture, small animals and other external environment: 

▽ Spring energy storage operating mechanism, can be manually or electrically operated 

▽ Panel model line diagram provides switch position indication 

▽ Cabinet made of galvanized sheet, electrostatic spraying on the surface to enhance corrosion resistance 

▽ The pressure gauge monitors the safe pressure range of SF6 gas in the box 

3. Economicality. 

▽ Maintenance-free 

▽ highly reliable 

▽ Service life up to 20 years 

4. The program is flexible. 

▽ A variety of ways to enter, can achieve left, right, up or forward line 

▽ multiple combinations, any combination between the units can be achieved 

▽ Insulation busbars can be used to combine front and back cabinets or cabinets 

▽ Flexible design 

▽ Optional arrangement of spring mechanism and permanent magnet mechanism

主要技术参数   The main technical parameters


注:   1 、取决于熔断器额定电流值;2、开断 1250kVA 空载变压器;3、取决于高压熔断器;

Note: 1, depending on the rated current of the fuse; 2, open breaking 1250kVA no-load transformer; 3, depending on high-voltage fuses;

非扩展标准模块  Non-extended standard modules


HTM □ -12 各类非扩展标准组合单元柜的每个模块具有下列配置 

◆ D 柜一提升模块 


◆ C 柜一负荷开关摸块 


◆ F 柜一负荷开关熔断器组合电器横块 


◆ V 柜一真空开关横块 

 “真空开关模块 " 中标准配置与特性 

◆ 进线套管的电容性电压指示器 

◆ 每个气室安装一个监测 SF6 密度的压力表计 

◆ 吊装用的吊耳 ◆ 操作手柄 

◆ 选配 电动操作机构 电缆短路及接地故障指示器 电流互感器及表计 远程监控及接 

A total of the following 15 standard combinations 

Each module of HTM □ -12 non-expansion standard modular unit cabinets has the following configuration 

◆ D cabinet a lifting module 

   Standard Configuration and Features of "Cable Connection Module without Grounding Knife" 

◆ C cabinet one load switch touch block 

   Standard Configuration and Characteristics in "Load Switch Mod ular Block" 

◆ F cabinet-load switch fuse assembly cross section 

   "Standard Configuration and Features of Load Switch Fuse Com bination Module" 

◆ V cabinet vacuum switch cross piece 

   Standard Configuration and Features in "Vacuum Switch Module" 

◆ Capacitive Voltage Indicator for Inlet Sleeve 

◆ Install a pressure gauge for monitoring SF6 density in each air chamber 

◆ lifting lug 

◆ Operation handle 

◆ Optional 

   Electric operating mechanism 

   Cable short circuit and ground fault indicator 

   Current transformers and meters 

   Remote monitoring and connection



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