Home > Product > Outdoor high voltage vacuum circuit breaker > ​ZW20-12F outdoor column high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

​ZW20-12F outdoor column high voltage vacuum circuit breaker

Intro:​ZW20-12F outdoor column high voltage vacuum circuit breaker, used for outdoor high volt. Distribution Switchgear, rated voltage 12kV, three-phase AC 50 HZ. Mainly used for opening, closing the power system load current, overload current and short circuit current. The main configuration consists of vacuum breaker, CH-40 controller, external voltage transformer (Note: distribution automation line ring network available in bilateral PT) three parts.
​ZW20-12F outdoor column high voltage vacuum circuit breaker
​ZW20-12F outdoor column high voltage vacuum circuit breaker
Product Description


      ZW20-12F outdoor column high voltage vacuum circuit breaker, used for  outdoor high volt. Distribution Switchgear, rated voltage 12kV, three-phase AC 50  HZ. Mainly used for opening, closing the power system load current, overload current  and short circuit current. The main configuration consists of vacuum breaker,  CH-40 controller, external voltage transformer (Note: distribution automation  line ring network available in bilateral PT) three parts. 
      This product are widely used in 10kV, 13kV city, rural power grid space  ring network for disconnecting  switch, contact switch, automatic switch device which can implement the ring  deployment line load.
      It uses vacuum arcing SF6, N2 mixed gas as dielectric, to introduce the  Toshiba VSP5 gas seal, explosion, insulation structure technology, the overall  excellent sealing performance. Inside is filled with SF6, N2 mixed gas which  does not leak, not affected by the external environment. The spring operating  mechanism with miniaturization and performance optimization design, action  reliability is much higher than the traditional spring mechanism 

Technical Data

1Rated voltagekV12
3Rated current       A630,1000,1250
4Rated short-circuit breaking current    kA20, 25
5Rated withstand current(peak)kA50, 63
6Rated short-time withstand current(4s)kA20, 25
7Rated short-circuit making current(peak)kA50, 63
8Mechanical lifeTimes10000
9Rated short-circuit breaking time     Times30
101min P.F withstand voltage-dry(phase to 
     phase, to earth; across open contacts)
11Lightning impulse withstand voltage peak
     (phase to phase, to earth; across open contacts)
12P.F withstand voltage for secondary loopkV2
13Net weightKG140
     (170 with Isolator)
14SF6 rated gas pressureMpa0

Mechanical Properties Data

1Contact opening distance  mm9 ±0.5
2Contact over-travel  mm3 ±0.5
3Average opening speed  m/s1.1±0.2
4Average closing speed  m/s0.6±0.2
5Contact closing bounce timems≤2
6Three phase simultaneity          ms≤5
7External charged air insulation distance  mm240±2
8External creepage ratiocm/kV3.8
9Conductive loop resistance per phaseμΩ≤150
     (≤200 with isolator)
10Polar distance  mm135±1.5
 11Closing time  ms≤45
12Opening time  ms≤45
13Isolating gap opening distance  mm≥190
14Manual opening and closing operation torqueN.m≤150
15Rated power of energy storage motorW≤40
16Rated voltage of energy storage motorVAC220
17Rated closing operating voltageVAC220
18Max./Min. closing operating voltageVAC264/143
19Rated opening operating voltageVAC220
20Max./Min. opening operating voltageVAC264/143
21Max./Min. motor voltageVAC242/187

Outline & Mounting Dimensions


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