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VCF-12 vacuum contactor

Intro:DescriptionVCF-12 vacuum contactor and its fuse combination electrical appliance (hereinafter referred to as vacuum contactor) is the latest generation of vacuum switching equipment developed based on unique design concepts and market demands. It is widely used in indoor armored air insulation In th …
Product Description


VCF-12 vacuum contactor and its fuse combination electrical appliance (hereinafter referred to as vacuum contactor) is the latest generation of vacuum switching equipment developed based on unique design concepts and market demands. It is widely used in indoor armored air insulation In the switch cabinet. Under normal operating conditions, as long as it is within the technical parameters of the vacuum switch, it can ensure safe and reliable operation in the grid of the corresponding voltage level.

Environment Condition


Environment Condition

Ambient air temperature: -40℃ ~+40℃ , and no more than 35℃ within 24 hours

Relative humidity: daily average value is not greater than 95%; monthly average value is not greater than 90%Altitude: ≤ 1000m

Standards compliant

The manufacture of VCF-12 vacuum contactor-fuse combination electrical appliances follows the content stipulated in the following standards and specifications:

GB 3804-2004 3.6 kV~40.5kV high voltage AC contactor

GB 16926-2009 High-voltage AC contactor fuse combination appliances

Technical Data

VCF-12 vacuum contactor-fuse combination appliance

Rated voltageKV3.67.12
1min rated power frequency withstand voltageKV203242
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak value)KV466075.
Rated currentA400315160
Rated short-time withstand voltage (4s)kA4
Rated peak withstand currentkA10
Expected short circuit breaking currentkA50
Expected short-circuit making currentkA130
Main circuit resistanceμΩ≤ 250+Rfuse
Maximum rated current of fuse (optional)A50-40025-3556.3-200

VCF-12 vacuum contactor

Rated voltageKV12
lmin rated power frequency withstand voltageKV42
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak value)KV75
Rated currentA400630
Rated short-time withstand voltage (4s)kA46.3
Rated peak withstand currentkA1016
Rated breaking currentA40006300
Limit breaking currentA40006300
Rated closing currentA40006300
Half-wave allowable currentkA50
Breaking times of rated currentTen thousand times25
Mechanical lifeTen thousand times30
Main circuit resistanceμΩ150

Outline Dimension


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